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A Faculty Member's Perspective on Drug Abuse among College Students

As faculty, we see how alcohol and other drug misuse affect students’ academic performance. For example, some students miss class, pass in late assignments, fall asleep, or rarely participate because of their substance use.



What is Sober Privilege?

Implicit beliefs about addiction often frame access to support systems for students in recovery or in need of treatment.



Moving Beyond Good Ideas: The Importance of Integrating Evidence-based Prevention Practices in Our Work

When I began my career as a prevention professional at a large public university more than two decades ago, I made many of my programming choices based on an instinct that what I was implementing would reduce drug use among our students.



The Importance of Strategic Planning

There was a point in my earlier days that I thought talking about strategic planning was a cure for insomnia. I recall wanting to flee strategic planning meetings in order to spend time with students “getting the work done.”