Facts About Drug-Impaired Driving

Driving under the influence of over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, or marijuana or other illicit drugs is referred to as drug-impaired driving.

It's a significant problem among young people.

In 2020, more than 6 million people between 16 and 25 admitted to driving under the influence of illicit drugs and alcohol, according to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

In a different survey, the National College Health Assessment,  38% of students admitted to driving within six hours of using marijuana within the last 30 days (note: statistic only includes students who used cannabis within the last 30 days AND drove a car within the last 30 days).

In 2016, 44% of drivers in fatal car crashes (with known results) tested positive for drugs, according to a report titled "Drug-Impaired Driving: Marijuana and Opioids Raise Critical Issues for States" by the Governors Highway Safety Association. This is up from 28% in 2006. 
Medication and illicit drugs affect the brain and can alter perception, mental processes, attention, balance, coordination, reaction time, and other abilities required for safe driving. Even small amounts of some drugs can have a serious effect on driving ability.