(July 19) DEA’s Campus Drug Prevention website recently teamed up with SAMHSA to co-host a live Twitter Chat about underage drinking and other substance misuse prevention on campus as part of the Communities Talk initiative.
During the chat, SAMHSA tweeted prevention-focused questions and attendees tweeted their answers and advice using #CommunitiesTalk.
The discussion, attended by community coalitions, prevention leaders, college and university staff, and other individuals interested in preventing drug misuse among college studentstouched on a variety of topics including successful school-based programs, common prevention myths, and challenges faced during the pandemic. Check out a few highlights below:
That EVERYONE experiments with drugs and alcohol at some point in their lives and that it is normal.
— FBCPC (@FortBendCPC) July 14, 2021
A5: Campuses got creative & offered virtual programming to meet the needs of students when unable to meet in person. Screening & brief intervention is also a great strategy to identify students struggling with AOD use and connect them with help. #CommunitiesTalk
— HECAOD (@hecaod) July 14, 2021
A7: Developmentally appropriate information about alcohol and other drugs. Active family, school, and community involvement and multiple sessions over multiple years of school. #CommunitiesTalk
— Gonzaga Campus Security and Public Safety (@GonzagaCSPS) July 14, 2021
A9: PLEASE please please; learn about the signs and symptoms of substance/alcohol abuse and learn how to reach put to the students in whom you notice the signs in supportive/constructive way and NOT threatening, offensive ways #CommunitiesTalk
— Nikki Alixx (@NikkiAlixx) July 14, 2021
Missed the chat? Head to Twitter and check out #CommunitiesTalk to see more prevention-related questions and answers!