This collection of free webinars is focused on issues surrounding drug misuse prevention.
Enhancing Professional Competencies for Preventing Drug and Alcohol Misuse Among College Students
The Guide to the Eight Professional Competencies for Higher Education Substance Misuse Prevention is “brought to life” with an eight-part, DEA-produced webinar series, highlighting each of the individual competencies. Check out all of the episodes in this hub. Watch.
Communities Talk About: Young Adult Leadership in Addressing Intersectionality to Advance Prevention
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration launched a brand new virtual learning series, which is now available for on-demand viewing. This virtual session explored the importance of prevention strategies within the context of the intersectional and lived experiences of youth/young adults and how young adult leaders can drive the success of those strategies. Watch.
Watch: Red Ribbon Rally Panel Discussion
Prior to the 2019 Red Ribbon Rally, Rich Lucey, a Senior Prevention Program Manager in DEA’s Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section, hosted a panel discussion with three people from different perspectives -- a parent leader, a college student, and a high school student. Watch.
Legalization of Marijuana: Challenges Facing College Campuses
The National Center for Campus Public Safety hosted a webinar discussing the legalization of marijuana and the challenges facing college campuses with Ryan Snow, M.Ed., a police officer for the University of Illinois Police Department and founder and lead instructor with Prevention Leaders, Inc. Watch.