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Views From the Field

Views from the Field are brief articles offering federal, national, state, and local perspectives about drug misuse in higher education from across the nation.


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Student Perspective: The Importance of Student Voice and Advocacy in Prevention

As a recent college graduate, I can attest to how grateful I feel to have gotten an early start to my career in prevention. I have gained new skills that I will take with me through graduate school and my career, met new friends and colleagues, and had the opportunity to travel and learn in new places. 



Tips for Engaging with Law Enforcement

When sharing my prevention story, I often tease that I went from enforcement to prevention. That is partially true as I was a campus police officer prior to working solely in prevention. 



Campus Video Contest: A Past Winner's Experience

Last year, in early October, a colleague forwarded me the call for submissions for the DEA’s first annual Campus Video PSA Contest



Addressing Marijuana Use in the College Setting

The start of this academic year represents a milestone of sorts for me. I began as a first-year student at the University of Washington (UW) in September 1987; now, 30 years later, I have the honor of working in both a research capacity and a student life capacity at the very campus that shaped my professional identity. 



Student Perspective: Promoting a Drug-free Campus

For many students, college marks a time in life where they have a new sense of freedom. They transition into a stage of interdependence where they are largely responsible for daily decisions that will affect their lives now and in the future. This time allows for new experiences, new friends, and new opportunities.



A Faculty Member's Perspective on Drug Abuse among College Students

As faculty, we see how alcohol and other drug misuse affect students’ academic performance. For example, some students miss class, pass in late assignments, fall asleep, or rarely participate because of their substance use.



What is Sober Privilege?

Implicit beliefs about addiction often frame access to support systems for students in recovery or in need of treatment.



Moving Beyond Good Ideas: The Importance of Integrating Evidence-based Prevention Practices in Our Work

When I began my career as a prevention professional at a large public university more than two decades ago, I made many of my programming choices based on an instinct that what I was implementing would reduce drug use among our students.



The Importance of Strategic Planning

There was a point in my earlier days that I thought talking about strategic planning was a cure for insomnia. I recall wanting to flee strategic planning meetings in order to spend time with students “getting the work done.”



Welcome to

Welcome to our newest website,, created as a one-stop resource for professionals working to prevent drug abuse among college students.