person holding cell phone

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Counselor and student

5 Common False Beliefs About Drug Use, Users, and Addiction

Dangerous but common misconceptions can prevent crucial early addiction treatment.



Gearing Up for NASPA’s 2025 Strategies Conference

Sean Fearns and Richard Lucey, Jr. serve as chief and senior prevention program manager, respectively, of DEA’s Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section. In this month's article, they preview the sessions at NASPA’s 2025 Strategies Conference where DEA will have a presence.


Fentanyl penny

‘One Pill Can Kill’ Campaign Raises Awareness of Opioid Crisis

Quinnipiac University’s Department of Public Safety committed to bringing awareness about the dangers of counterfeit or illicit drugs that could be laced with deadly substances through the “One Pill Can Kill” campaign.


Wine and pills

The Risky Mix of Antidepressants and College Life

Is it safe to drink alcohol while taking antidepressant medications?


Pills box

University Police at Chico State Participate in National Drug Take Back Event

The Drug Enforcement Administration partnered with law enforcement agencies across the nation Saturday to help remove unneeded medications from homes.


Throwing away prescription drug

LC State to hold Prescription Drug Take-Back Day Oct. 23

Lewis-Clark State College will hold a Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. in its library parking lot.


Students with counselor

Recovery Identity and Supporting Student Development Through Collegiate Recovery Programs

Ahmed Hosni is Assistant Director of the Student Life Student Wellness Center at The Ohio State University, and Director of Recovery at the Higher Education Center for Alcohol and Drug Misuse Prevention and Recovery. In this month's article, he explains how Collegiate Recovery Programs are changing to accommodate students on different pathways to recovery from drug use and misuse.


Woman vapes

Vaping Is Harming College Students' Brains, Study Shows

Vaping may look cool when you're young, but it appears to be dulling the brains of college students, a new study warns.


Professor and student

Four Strategies for Addressing Students’ Well-Being Holistically

Amelia Parnell currently serves as President of NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education and is an accomplished higher education executive and an internationally recognized thought leader regarding current issues and emerging trends in the field. In this month's article, she discusses how prevention professionals can bolster student well-being via ensuring access to resources, implementing a cycle of feedback, and more.