2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest
This annual contest aims to promote the importance of living a drug-free lifestyle.
2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest

A Campus Video PSA Contest to promote the importance of preventing illicit drug use and legal drug misuse among college students. Learn More.

Create and submit a 30- to 60-second video PSA showcasing your campus’s commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. Read the official rules here.

Users can submit their entries from September 9 to November 4, 2024.
Entries are now closed.
Check back over the summer for details on the 2025 contest.
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Celebrating Red Ribbon: Learn how your community can go RED for Red Ribbon!
As part of the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Red Ribbon Week campaign, DEA and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration cosponsor this Campus Video PSA Contest for colleges and universities to promote the importance of preventing alcohol and other drug misuse among college students.
After drug traffickers murdered DEA Special Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena in 1985, Red Ribbon Week became an annual event highlighting the importance of preventing drug use and misuse in our nation’s schools and communities. Each year from October 23–31, people across the United States show their commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle by wearing or displaying a Red Ribbon.
This annual contest occurs each fall, and the winners are announced the following January during NASPA's Strategies Conference.
2023 Contest Winners
First Place: University of Northern Colorado. Watch "Sober Curious" below.
Second Place: Centre College. Watch "Healthy Alternatives to Substance Use" below.
Third Place: West Chester University. Watch "Kind to Your Mind Off Drugs" below.
Read the article about the 2023 contest winners.
Hear from the winners on the January episode of Prevention Profiles: Take Five.
Past Contest Winners
2016: "Why Not," Keene State College (New Hampshire) Watch.
2017: An animated entry from Towson State University (Maryland) Watch.
2018: "Live Your Best Life," (North Dakota State College of Science) Watch.
2019: Video PSA produced by the student-led group Trojan Outreach (Troy University) Watch.
2020 (tie): "Little Monsters" (University of Miami) Watch.
2020 (tie): "Challenge the Perceptions We See" (North Dakota State College of Science) Watch.
2021 (1st Place): "Know the Signs" (University of Kentucky) Watch.
2021 (2nd Place): "U Can" (Towson University) Watch.
2022: "Take the Pledge" (University of Mississippi) Watch.
What Do the Winners Receive?
The three winners (first, second, and third place) will be announced in January during the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators’ 2025 Strategies Conference (www.naspa.org/events/strategies). This conference provides student affairs practitioners with the knowledge and skills they need to effectively prevent alcohol and other drug misuse among college students through comprehensive and integrated approaches. The prize structure is as follows:
First Place: $5,000 to support the winning campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse among their students and a recognition plaque. The first-place winning college or university also will receive a trip (for up to two people) to attend the 2025 Strategies Conference, including roundtrip, coach-class air transportation; three nights’ accommodations; complimentary conference registration; and government per diem for meals and incidental expenses for Boston.
- Second Place: $3,000 to support the winning campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse among their students and a recognition plaque.
- Third Place: $1,000 to support the winning campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse among their students and a recognition plaque.
What Is the PSA Contest?
The contest is an opportunity for colleges and universities to demonstrate how students are working to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse on their campus, and to inspire and challenge others to act to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse among college students.
Who Is Eligible to Enter the Contest?
Institutions of higher education that offer an associate’s or bachelor’s degree are eligible. Previous winners under this contest must wait one year before entering the contest again.
When Is the Entry Deadline?
The contest begins on September 9, 2024, and ends on November 4, 2024 (referred to as the Entry Period throughout the rest of these rules). Entries must be submitted within the Entry Period to be eligible. Any entry received outside of these dates will be disqualified.
How Does My Campus Submit Its Entry?
During the Entry Period, visit www.campusdrugprevention.gov/psacontest and click on the “Submit My Entry” button. This will direct you to a brief form to complete and a place to upload your video link. To submit your video, you need to upload it to your own YouTube or Vimeo account first, and then provide a link to your video in the entry form. Note: Only one entry per college or university is allowed, submitted by a college or university staff or faculty member, and entrant’s e-mail address must end in .edu. The online form will require the entrant to confirm they are a staff member or faculty member and ask for their title.
By submitting your video PSA (entry), you agree that your entry is eligible (see “What is an Eligible Entry?”) and conforms to the content restrictions (see “What are the Content Restrictions?”). Submitting your entry also implies consent to the contest’s sponsors to use the entry as appropriate, regardless of its selection as one of the contest’s winners. The contest’s sponsors, at their sole discretion, may disqualify your entry from the contest if they believe it fails to conform to these official rules.
What Is an Eligible Entry?
To be eligible for judging, an entry must meet the following content and technical requirements:
- The PSA must be between 30–60 seconds. PSAs that exceed 60 seconds will be disqualified.
- The PSA must focus on the underlying message behind Red Ribbon Week and the commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
- The PSA must include the mandatory end frame provided by DEA here.
- The PSA must focus on preventing alcohol and other drug misuse among college students. Entries that focus only on alcohol misuse or only on drug misuse will be disqualified.
- The PSA must inspire others to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse among college students.
- The entry must be uploaded to the entrant’s own YouTube or Vimeo account and a link to the video must be provided as part of the entry.
- The entry cannot be previously submitted in a promotion of any kind, or exhibited or displayed publicly through any means.
- Entrants must obtain all applicable consents, approvals, or licenses to submit their entry.
How Are Entries Judged?
Each entry is judged by a panel of objective reviewers, comprised of federal government staff and a college student, who will evaluate and score the entry. Each entry will receive a score from 0-100 depending on how well it responds to the following criteria.
Appropriateness of Message (50 points)
- The PSA focuses on the underlying message behind Red Ribbon Week and the commitment to a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.
- The PSA demonstrates how college students are working to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse on their campus.
- The PSA inspires and challenges others to prevent alcohol and other drug misuse among college students.
Creativity and Originality (30 points)
- The PSA exhibits creativity in its design and execution.
- The PSA exhibits original ideas, concepts, and content.
- The PSA is memorable, relevant, and interesting.
Production Value (20 points)
- The PSA is visually strong and appealing.
- The video quality is high resolution and the graphics are legible.
- The audio quality is balanced and audible.
How Are the Winners Notified?
The winners are notified by DEA via e-mail on or around December 9, 2024. The winner will be required to submit the video file in a QuickTime/MOV, WMV, MPEG, or AVI format, as well as sign and return an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability, and Publicity Release. The winners also need to provide a brief description of how they intend to use the award funds in support of their campus’s efforts to prevent drug misuse.
If any winner cannot be contacted, fails to complete and return the affidavit within the required timeframe, and/or does not comply with these official rules, that winner will forfeit their prize. If any winner is disqualified for any reason, their prize may be awarded to a runner-up, if any, at the contest sponsors’ sole discretion.
Acceptance of the prize shall constitute and signify the winner’s agreement and consent that the contest sponsors and their designees may use the winner’s name, city, state, likeness, entry, and/or prize information in connection with the contest for promotional, advertising, or other purposes, worldwide, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, including the internet, without limitation and without further payment, notification, permission, or other consideration, except where prohibited by law.
Who Do I Contact With Questions About the Contest?
Contact Rich Lucey, Senior Prevention Program Manager, Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section, Drug Enforcement Administration, by phone (571-776-3457) or e-mail (richard.lucey@dea.gov).
What Are the Content Restrictions?
- Entry must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to privacy, publicity, or intellectual property rights, or that constitutes copyright infringement.
- Entry must not disparage the contest’s sponsors or any other person or party affiliated with the contest.
- Entry must not contain brand names other than those owned by the contest’s sponsors, which the entrant has a limited license to incorporate in their entry.
- Entry must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, defamatory, slanderous, or libelous.
- Entry must not contain material that promotes bigotry, racism, hatred, or harm against any group or individual or promotes discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or age.
- Entry must not contain material that is unlawful or in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations in any state where the entry is created.
Entrants also must represent and warrant their entry:
- Is their own original creation.
- Does not contain the full name, contact information, or any other identifying facts or personal information of the entrant or any other persons involved in the entry.
- Does not contain gratuitous violence, guns, or other imagery or gestures of weapons.
- Does not contain nudity.
- Does not contain explicit, graphic, or excessive sexual activity.
- Does not contain music, lyrics, photos, artwork, and any other such element for which full releases—including without limitation the ability to use the elements in perpetuity without restriction as to type of media, time, or place—have not been obtained by the entrant.
- Does not contain illegal alcohol or other drug use.
Entries generated by script, macro, or other automated means are void. Entrant must have permission from all individuals who appear in the entry (if any) to use their names and likenesses in the entry and to grant the rights set forth herein. If requested, entrant must be able to provide such permissions in a form acceptable to the contest’s sponsors.
For questions or more information, please contact:
Rich Lucey
Senior Prevention Program Manager, Community Outreach and Prevention Support Section
Drug Enforcement Administration
(571) 776-3457