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2024 Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest Winner (Photo credit: YouTube/Drug Enforcement Administration)

Congratulations, 2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest Winners!

Congratulations to Kennesaw State University, Baylor University, and the University of Utah for winning 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place, respectively, in the 2024 Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest, cosponsored by DEA and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.


College students make a video

What Is the Subject of the Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest?

Wondering what your video should cover?


College students make a video

Why Should My School Enter the Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest?

Wondering why your college or university should enter the Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest?


College students make video

Who Can Enter the Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest?

Wondering who can enter the Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest?


College students make video

What Is the Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest?

What is the Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest?


Awkward Conversations Season 4

Watch: 'Awkward Conversations' Podcast, Season 4

The Drug Enforcement Administration is pleased to announce the next installment of its collaboration with the Elks Drug Awareness Program.


Game Over Tournament Trophy

DEA Hosts E-Sports Tournaments to Raise Fentanyl Awareness

Eight universities in New England participated in a virtual e-sports tournament organized by the DEA to educate young people about the dangers of fentanyl.


Marijuana in car

I Can Tell

Your friends and family can tell when you’re high — and so can law enforcement. Driving high is impaired driving and it’s illegal. If You Feel Different, You Drive Different. Drive high, get a DUI.


You Don't Know the Half of It (The Harris Project/YouTube)

You Don't Know the Half of It

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. This powerful film by The Harris Project brings the connection between mental health and substance use out of the shadows and into the light.


Fentanyl test strip

In the News: Just How Effective Are Fentanyl Test Strips?

They used to be illegal, but now state law requires them on some campuses – and they're everywhere from vending machines to bars. Fentanyl test strips are intended to help young people avoid fentanyl-laced counterfeit prescriptions or drugs. But many warn that test strips alone could do more harm than good. We put fentanyl test strips to the test, and what we found could save someone you know.