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Headshots of Margo Leitschuh and Joan Masters

Step Two of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Capacity

Margo Leitschuh (pictured left), Communications Coordinator with Missouri Partners in Prevention, and Joan Masters, Senior Coordinator with Missouri Partners in Prevention, discuss Step Two of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Karen Moses

Step One of the Strategic Prevention Framework: Assessment

Dr. Karen Moses, director of Wellness and Health Promotion at Arizona State University discusses Step One of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Rich Lucey headshot

Introduction: Prevention with Purpose Web Series

Rich Lucey, Senior Prevention Program Manager at the Drug Enforcement Administration, talks about this new web series which highlights each step of the Strategic Prevention Framework.


Troy University Wins Campus PSA Contest

(January 21, 2020) Congratulations to Troy University! Students at the Alabama school created the video that won first place in the 4th annual Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest.